
Showing posts from March, 2020

Activities for Week 2

Here are some optional activities for Grade 2/3 this week. Enjoy! Please reach out if you have any questions!

Class Meeting Tomorrow

Hello Grade 2/3! Our class has a Google Hangout scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10 am. In order to be part of the video chat you will have to log in to your school email account. You can log in to your school email account by using this link: Pres s on the link "  Sign in with Google ( credentials)  ." Then use your school email address and password to log in. Your email address is your  firstname.lastname@ . For example if I had a student account my email address would be . This is the same way we logged on to chromebooks at school. If your having trouble remembering your password send me and email and I can help! Once you accept the invitation, I will be able to see that you are planning on attending the virtual morning meeting. On Thursday morning you will log in to their email accounts and click on the link for the hangout that is in the invitation ema
Hello Grade 2/3! Here are a few more options for activities you can work on at home. I hope everyone is enjoying the fresh snow from yesterday and the warmer weather today! Here is the link to get on to your student portal. You can use your email login (the same way we log on to the chromebook at school): Hour of Code: Girls who code binary bracelet activity (not just for girls) This activity can be printed and then completed without technology: Kahoot - test your skills or make up your own quiz to share with friends: Art for Kids Hub - go to videos to find what you would like to draw: Yoga class for kids: Sta

At home learning

Hello Grade 2/3 students and families! Here are some resources to support any at home learning. I will be posting updates as more information becomes available. Links for activities in all subject areas (please contact me if you need any passwords): Ottawa Public Library e-books for kids (can listen and read along): Scholastic at home: A set of quick activities to practise estimation skills: Feel free to reach out through my email or through the contact form in the side panel if you have any questions or need any support! I'm hoping to set up some sort of video call for our class so that the students can connect with each other! I will be in touch with more details. Remember it's most important to stay safe and as relaxed